Sunday, July 14, 2024

Some conversations with coworkers (2 of 2): Some aftermath of my new (Spanish) greeting.

The other week at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, my one (younger) (female) (Guatemalan) worker was saying something in (Spanish) about how my newer occasional greeting to everyone -- "Hola, mis buenos" ("Hello, my hotties") -- "sounds good" in (Spanish).

Another time after that, too, I came in to work on a (Sunday) morning and there were several (Guatemalans) around in the kitchen but not her when I came in through the back-alley door, so I didn't say the greeting, but then when I went out into the main dining room, there she was, coming out of the bathroom, so I tried to say something in (Spanish) about how I wanted to say that greeting but I didn't say it because I didn't see her, and when I said that, she gave a sly look and said in (Spanish) something like "Of course not, because I wasn't there."

The week following that, too, she asked me to take a selfie with her for social media, and she showed me one she'd taken with the (newer) (older) (female) (Chinese-Thai) cook in the kitchen, because she said she was sending pictures to her mother in (Guatemala), and she wanted to show her a picture of her "gringo" friend from work.

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