Thursday, July 18, 2024

Another spoiled watermelon:

I had picked up another watermelon the other week at the local supermarket -- my third of the year! -- to keep "in a holding pattern" on my counter till enough space had cleared out of my fridge, to where I could rotate it in and refrigerate it and start eating it.

It all looked good and I *think* I had carefully examined it for any nicks or anything that could compromise the rind, but like three or four days after I bought it just when it was about to be transferred into the refrigerator, I moved it on my counter in order to get at something else on my counter, and when I touched it, I noticed a small soft spot developing by where the vine-stem had connected, and then another a few inches beyond that.

So, I threw it in the fridge right away and I cut it open within twelve hours, but what do you know, too late, the flesh was already a little vinegar-y from spoilage, and I had to throw out the whole thing.

(I slid each half of the medium-ish watermelon into an old orange bag, and then carefully carried it out to a dumpster in the alley behind my cottage, so watermelon-water didn't drip on the floor as I walked it out.)

It really kills me when I have to waste food like that... I mean, it's just a $6 watermelon, and if losing a $6 watermelon is the worst thing that happens to me this week it's a good week, but still, that food waste really does kill me.

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