Thursday, June 6, 2024

Work disaster.

A few months ago at work at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, I was taking an order in the restaurant, and all of a sudden from the back behind the work counter, there was just this sound of all these glasses breaking, which is something that absolutely never happens, like it’s incredibly incredibly rare that even a single dish gets broken, let alone a couple let alone a ton.

So, after I work through it and finish taking my order, I head back, and it turns out that my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker was unloading washed glasses from the little stand where the dishwasher puts the washed rack of glasses, and as she had gotten a lot of it unloaded, it tipped over and the rest that were in it went everywhere and shattered, and so she said he must have put it off-center on the little stand, and her unloading it must have shifted the weight until it finally tipped and fell over onto the floor.

“Or maybe the house spirit is mad at you,” I was like, referring to the little shrine we have in a back corner at the restaurant, that’s like this bright-red picture-frame thing with what looks like (Chinese) characters on it, and that always has in front of it a glass of water and something that doesn’t look like incense but nevertheless leaves small heaps of (gray) (incense-like) ashes all over the (black) (back-corner) (linoleum) countertop.

“That’s what I said!”, said my one (older) (Thai) coworker who’s a whiz at the phones, as soon as I said that about the house spirit being mad.

Like a few days after that, too, I was unracking glasses when my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker walked by, so I held the glass that I was unracking close to my chest, and I started petting it and being like, “Don’t worry, the mean lady won’t hurt you, don’t worry…”, and when she asked me what I was doing, I told her that all the glasses were scared of her now, so I had to tell them that she’s actually nice, and not to be afraid of her.

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