Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Self-assurance of a coworker.

Like almost a month or so ago at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, I was mentioning something I’d written to my (tall) (skinny) (Latino-American) coworker who recently graduated from high school, and when I couldn’t find his contact on the messaging app that we use for work, he said just to text him the link, and he gave me his number.

And, I entered him as an alliteration in my phone contacts -

[shorter nickname version of his standard Latino name] + [first part of the restaurant’s name, which begins with the same letter as his nickname]

- and, when I showed him that, he was like, “Hell yeah,” but not in a mocking way, but in a real way, like he was stoked that someone had their phone contact of him named like that.

Like a few weeks after that, him and his (cool) girlfriend came in to place a takeout order, and it turns out that they were going to a punk show a few storefronts down, and that they were going to go back to the concert and then walk back and pick up their order in a bit.

And, I really wanted the restaurant to slow down enough so I could take time and walk over to the storefront punk show and deliver their order to them, but just when it was getting slow enough to where I could do that, they both walked in the door to come and pick up their order.

So, I told him what I had wanted to do, and he was like, “That would have been so cool,” but not in a mocking way, but in a real way, like he thought that that would have been the coolest thing in the world, to be “in” at the restaurant to the point where someone would walk over your delivery order for you, for free.

He seems very self-assured in the world, and living his life in a rather small town in the coolest way possible, and somehow he’s making it work.

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