Saturday, June 8, 2024

Telling myself enough is enough.

Like, this year it was my goal to up my weekly writing hours from four to six hours a week, and overall I’ve been managing even though occasionally it’s been tough, but then the other week I was only three days into the week and I’d gotten all 6 hours in, including .5 hours earlier that day and then like 3 hours later in the afternoon and early evening, and I was getting tired but feeling like I should do more that day and then the rest of the week, and I had to stop myself, and say enough was enough.

It's like my weekly project reading hours, too; I’ve been reading a bit broadly since for a long while now I’ve been telling myself that the goal is to have fun, and also I’m averse to directly reading more stuff that will create more writing projects and add to my backlog of writing, but even then, I sometimes feel like I should be reading more useful stuff.

And, by any accounts, this is all despite my being insanely productive.

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