Friday, June 7, 2024

A new running joke at work, in (Spanish).

So, there’s a new (Guatemalan) dishwasher at work whose name is Domingo (“Sunday”), so for a while now I’ve been mixing that fact into jokes with my one (younger) (female) (Guatemalan) coworker and then him, as I give my standard day-of-the-week greetings like “Feliz lunes” (“Happy Monday”).

Like, I’ll come in and be like, “Feliz lunes, [her name]” (“Happy Monday, [her name]”) and then like, “Feliz lunes, Domingo” (“Happy Monday, Sunday”), and it will make both of them chuckle.

One Sunday when we were all working, too, I was like, “Feliz domingo, Domingo” (“Happy Sunday, Sunday”), which was comic gold.

Then, after that, on another Sunday, I wished him a “Feliz tu dia” (“Happy Your Day”), then immediately afterwards in his presence I wished her a “Feliz su dia” (Happy His Day”).

Another time, too, I think I tried something like “Happy Day of Our Coworker,” but it was less successful, and stuff like “Feliz sabado, Senor Manana” (“Happy Saturday, Mr. Tomorrow”) was only a hair better.

After a while I began to run out of variations, but finally I came up with a decent one, where on a Saturday I was like, ‘Sabado con Domingo, hoy tenemos todo el fin de semana aqui” (“Saturday with Sunday, today we have all of the weekend here”), which they appreciated, though not after I repeated it several times, like I often do with many of my jokes.

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