Monday, June 10, 2024

Repetition of errands.

So, like a week-and-a-half before graduation, I made sure to start getting errands done, since the restaurant is always slammed and I wanted my house in order for that, and also since I’ll be tired for a while afterwards, if the level of business is anything like it was last year.

So, I ran to the local grocery store to get food – especially avocados for my morning avocado and raw onion with sea-salt on toast – and then I made a special trip to “the Meat Lab” to pick up sausage, since I wanted to get there before they closed for the summer, though when I went there, I found out that they wouldn’t be closing for the summer this year.

Anyhow, like four or five days after that, and a few days before graduation, what happens except there’s an amazing sale on corn-on-the-cob at the local grocery store, and “the Meat Lab” re-stocks sausages, including the one kind that my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair) had just been texting me about, to buy some and bring some for her family, the next time that I visit.

So, what do I do, but like run those errands again and go to both of those same places, within less than a week.

It really was exceptional circumstances.

It did give me a chance to pick up some blueberry-pineapple brats at “the Meat Lab,” though, which I was skeptical about but was going to try anyway, and then the (fittish) (white) (college-age) girl in an (evergreen) sweatshirt at the register was like, “Those are great,” and she told me that she eats them with honey for breakfast, like, she grills them and cuts them up and puts honey on them, and she has them along with french toast and stuff.

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