Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Learning tidbits (1 of 2): My learning.

A number of months ago, my mother was asking me if I had ever considered going somewhere to study that one ancient language that I have been studying intensively for the past number of years.

“Like where is the best place to study that?”, she even asked.

“[The town I live in], [the state I live in],” I was like.

And, she didn’t get what I was saying at first, but I then explained to her that I really had uncovered a niche and was arguably the best in the world. And, that though I could benefit from studying this one difficult script of one language phase with specialists, I really didn’t need to study under someone, and how would that work, anyways, when I’m already coming in and correcting major sh*t that they depend on and had never noticed was wrong.

“That would just be awkward,” I was like.

And, she had to agree.

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