Tuesday, June 11, 2024


It sounds silly, but it was so big for me to buy a container of sea-salt for my morning avocado-and-raw-onion-and-sea-salt-on-toast breakfast that I've been having lately.

For years now I have reduced living costs so assiduously, that I automatically screen out anything higher cost that I don't really need, like I would never buy sea salt, I'd just use instead the regular table salt that I could get at the lowest price at the grocery store.

Yes, it's only like a dollar or two, but choices like that add up, and for years now I have reduced costs at the margins wherever I could...

Several years ago my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the brother of the brothers-sister pair) shared an article with me, about the portion of our generation who had been "left behind" economically and could never gain traction anywhere (it's like around 10% more than you'd think, compared to the preceding generation), and anyhow in it there was this woman saying that her life is fine, but she looks up every now and then, and she's living like she did fifteen years ago.

That quote really spoke to him, and it spoke to me, too.

Same low-cost apartment, same scrimping on grocery bills, hardly any new clothes, no nothing.

At some point I think I was supposed to be able to get a house?

At least I'm in a position where I take vacations again.

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