Friday, April 12, 2024

Two random happenings:

1) I walk home on a rainy afternoon, and underneath a table that sits out in the backyard where my one front neighbor sometimes rests houseplants in summer, there is like a brown dough-nut, the dough-nut  itself being the dry area of open dirt underneath the round table, and the dough-nut's hole being the small hole in the table's center where you can stick an umbrella, which had let the rain through and so had dampened a small circle right smack-dab in the middle of the dough-nut of dry dirt.

2) As I go to brew some coffee in my little stove-top espresso maker while I heat up some water on the stovetop, the smell of the ground coffee suddenly combines with the smell of something burning on the burner to briefly create a smell like shit, but only briefly.

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