Saturday, April 13, 2024

Posterity (1 of 2): Party.

Because of my huge discovery with the one (ancient) language that I've been studying for years, I'm thinking more and more that I'm going to synch things up and throw a party, where I pay for catering and some beverages and then give a local lecture to debut my findings, with the blogposts synched up with social media to "go live" shortly after I finish telling everybody "what's what."

I mean, why not, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing -- that is, if someone somehow doesn't get to the idea first before me by the end of this year, though that's difficult to fathom happening.

Like, if I was a professor at a university, all their PR flaks would be jizzing themselves to throw me on the cover of their alumni magazine and they'd be sending press releases out non-stop to top major news outlets, I'd imagine, like, it's just that big.

So, I might as well celebrate.

Somehow this whole "DIY" aspect to my discovery makes it all even more obscene; the only thing worse than them not knowing this all the time everyone's been studying the language, is for someone from outside the field and even from outside a university to come in and correct them all, like everyone ever who's put their hand to it.

Just obscenity piled on obscenity.

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