Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Several occurrences on one recent day at work...

...at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) When I tell my coworkers that I'm going to the bathroom so that they know that I'm temporarily not around, my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker starts a new thing, where she shakes her head and gravely and very firmly says "No, no, noooo," like I don't have permission to go do that, and she does that several times over the course of the shift (I was drinking a lot of Diet Coke that day).

2) A (dumpy) (nerdy) (poorly-groomed) (young grad-student age) (white) guy comes in with a(n out-of-it) (eyeglassed) (well-groomed) (strange-eyed) (slightly older grad-student age) (Chinese from China) woman, and after they both say water with ice and I bring it to them, the woman touches the glass and immediately says that the water is too cold, and she sends it back and asks for water without ice, now, instead.

3) A (fatter) (older) (bleached out) (decently bald) (white) (fluffy-haired) man with (big blank eyes) and a (big) (fat) (belly) that he rests his arms on when sitting comes in with a(n older) (trim) (brown-skinned) (dark curly-haired) (very well-dressed) (vaguely-accented) woman who he keeps calling "my lady," and she is disappointed that we don't have the full range of (Japanese) food anymore "because of the pandemic" (like I always say), and she says she needs more time to order and right after that the guy jumps in and gives me his order and then she says right after that that she needs more time to order, and later when I come back to the table, she asks me about two entrees but says she doesn't like spicy and so I direct her to one of the two but she seems uncomfortable with that choice even when I say that she shouldn't try the other one if she doesn't like any spice at all, which she or maybe him had said, and when a bit later we serve the vegetable egg roll appetizer that she ordered she points to it and says "Is that veggie?", and later when my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker serves the food she asks for brown rice instead, which takes time to heat up, and when my coworker brings it out, she's eaten half her food, already, and she seems unhappy, and later the guy brings the bill all the way up to the front of the restaurant, and suddenly seems in a hurry.

(As soon as he leaves, "Two eighty-four," my one [older] [Thai] coworker who's a whiz at the phones says, pointing to the tip line on the like $45 bill, at which I'm like, "Yeah, they're very weird people.")

4) When I go into the kitchen at the end of shift, my one (young) (silver-toothed) (Guatemalan) coworker with the strong (indigenous) accent is sweeping up the floor as part of his end-of-night duties, and among all the random kitchen crap that he's sweeping up, right there in the middle of it is a single crab rangoon. "?Puedo comer?" ('Can I eat?') I'm like as I slightly stoop and point like I'm about to go pick it up, at which he pauses with his broom and looks at me, and then is like, "Si, senor" ('Yes, sir'), and then giggles.

. . .

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