Thursday, January 11, 2024

Signs of a degrading polity.

Besides the U.S. having what the Pope calls something like "unfettered internal arms trafficking" that turns public spaces into the Wild West, what's striking to me lately is the decline of postal safety.

Like, people rolling mailboxes and stealing checks to wash them and re-write them has become de rigueur and has even happened in the college town that I now live in, and so if I want to mail my rent check in or something, I have to walk over to the local post office during business hours to mail it, rather than risk dropping it in the public mailbox a half block away from me.

And, it's not just me being paranoid, but there's talk that you should do this in the local paper, and from my local bank, and this type of theft appears intermittently in the local crime blotter in the local paper!

That's a very small thing, but somehow it feels telling, to me.

What country can't guarantee mail safety?

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