Thursday, December 7, 2023

Some more work happenings:

1) My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker says I shouldn't drink water with ice because of my sinus infection, because water with ice makes people sick.

"Asians think that," she was like, and then she said that's why (Indian) customers don't want ice in their water.

"No, it's because they think that ice costs more, and they don't want to pay," I am like.

And, she laughs.

2) When I tell my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker that I'm staying away from this one table with a (white) (tight-bodied) (yuppie) couple and their 2 small kids because the husband was very unhappy with me once, she was like, "Really?".

"Yes," I was like, and I laid out for her the whole situation, where you can tell that he's very unhappy in the marriage and with kids and the wife probably forced him into it, but she's blank-faced and a little naive and can't see that she did that and that he resents that, and she can't see his unhappiness, and that he'll probably divorce or cheat on her, if he's not already cheating on her.

"Really?", she was like.

"Oh yeah," I was like, and I said that you could see it in their faces, and that also once he gave me attitude over a soup substitution because I said I had to go check in the kitchen about that -- "We come here every week," he was like, even though we do have rotation of kitchen staff and that means nothing! -- and that once beyond that when the restaurant was strangely packed, the only open table was one where the high chair was in a high traffic area, and so I asked them if they could move tables in five to ten minutes when one out of the way opened up, and the guy was very, very unhappy that they would either have to wait or to pick up and move after five or ten minutes.

"Who does that?", I was like, "This was about his child's safety, and he turns it into a chance to have attitude?".

And, when I was laying this all out for her, I realized that I'd seen this couple only 2 or maybe 3 times and I had had only the very briefest of interactions with them, but I had keyed into what seemed like their story and I could talk about them just an exceptionally disproportionate amount.

And, to think that just a few weeks prior to that, I had mentioned when texting a friend that I doubted my people sense, and wish it was better. I immediately thought of that right after I just gushed out and told her all of this stuff that I was thinking, and that she hadn't seen or hadn't occurred to her.

3) One day between lunch and dinner shift when two (Guatemalans) come out to have their shift meal at tables in the back of the restaurant, it's the one guy named Angel, and the other guy who I make the diablo joke about.

So, of course I pointed to one and then the other, and was like, "Angel," and then, "Diablo."

4) My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker says that the (wife) owner with the tired face showed her a picture on her phone that she had just taken of a car in the backlot that had gotten its window broken in, where the police were showing up to take a report.

"It is the homeless, they are always hanging out there," she was like.

5) My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker tells me that she wants to focus more on her hobby, which is writing.

"Like fan-fic?", I was like, and she nodded.

And, she tells me that there's this one app that's popular in (Thailand), where people read fan fic and maybe vote on it and if a lot of people like yours, you get some money, and she's made money off of it.

 "How much have you made?", I was like.

And, she made calculations in her head, and was like, "Fifty or sixty dollar," and then she added, "It's not much, here."

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