Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Four work tidbits:

1) When the one (skinny) (silver-toothed up front) (Guatemalan) kitchen guy comes out to do something and quizzes me on reciting numbers in his native language -- a few of them have been teaching me for a few weeks -- I am tired because of my sinus infection, and I say something like "One, two... Four."

And, he just stares at me, gives a quick shake of his head, and flings his finger out to point to the front door, like, "Get out of here!".

2) Around the Thanksgiving holiday, a(n early middle-aged) (white) (lesbian) couple is in with their (stringy) (blond) (white) daughter, and they mention that she's home from her freshman year of college, and of all the places in town to go eat, she decided to come here.

"So have you taught them that new beer pong game that I hear the kids are doing?", I was like, to her.

"That is so funny," muttered the one (very thick eyebrowed) (lesbian) mom, to herself.

3) The one (Guatemalan) kitchen worker who I started the diablo joke with got a very short haircut, and my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker tells me that he looks like a Buddhist monk.

4) When I leave work one night, a car going towards the intersection rolls down its window and I hear the word "Diablo!" come out, and I can see in silhouette three of the (Guatemalan) kitchen workers sitting in the car.

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