Monday, December 4, 2023

Sickness, again.

All my life I've been prone to allergies and sinus infections, though I haven't had a sinus infection in like 3 years, because I've been wearing masks so much for COVID.

But, I came down with a sinus infection towards the end of last month -- the air in my apartment dried out, and before I realized what was happening and I went to humidify to compensate, it harmed my sinuses and weakened them -- and, even though it was a medium-to-lower-strength sinus infection, though, with no associated constant sharp headache or anything like that, it lasted a heck of a long time.

Like, usually with that level of infection I'd rest up and major symptoms would subside quickly and the entire infection would completely go away within five days or maybe a week, but this one lasted for like six or seven days with major symptoms, and hung on in my nose for days beyond that.

So, I think it's either a factor of aging, or COVID weakened my immune system, likely the latter.

For the first time in my life, too, I actually had my voice break from post-nasal drip, when I tried to talk in my normal register.

And for like three or four days, I'd cough so much at night that it actually interfered with me getting to sleep or woke me up in the middle of the night, and once I coughed so hard that I actually pulled one of my lower right abs, from the way I was lying in bed right then.

Right when I was coming down with this, too, I was emptying the scum out of my soapdish in my bathroom from this new circle-shaped bar soap that I'd gotten on sale at the local grocery market co-op, and for some reason the soap scum wasn't normal, but these huge, huge slimy strings that would just hang there heavily, and would stretch out between the dish and my hand, and just wouldn't break at all.

I almost feel like that was foreshadowing.

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