Saturday, December 23, 2023

Coworker interactions (1 of 2): Language.

For years now I've greeted people in (English) with a phrase like "Happy Monday!", just using whatever day of the week it is, and with my (Guatemalan) coworkers at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, I've been doing that some, only in (Spanish), which as an added bonus helps me practice the names of the days of the week.

And, believe it or not, my one (shorter) (younger) (female) (Guatemalan) coworker has recently begun saying that greeting of mine back to me in (English), and is trying to learn and remember the names of the days through it, too!

It's like she's retrotranslating back into the original language that the whole thing started in.

To encourage her -- she and some others want to know more (English) -- I told her about Duolingo and told her that it's free and that it's just a few minutes a day and it can teach her everyday phrases and stuff like the days of the week and numbers, and she seemed really interested.

And, I showed her my profile on there to show her how the app name is spelled and what it looks like, and she got very excited when she saw that you make a cartoon avatar that looks like yourself.

Hey, whatever works.

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