Saturday, November 25, 2023

Two things:

1) When I go to mail a bereavement card, I open up my waxen envelope from the Post Office where I keep my stamps, and the first thing I pull out is a bunch of FREEDOM stamps, so I go digging further until I find a few stamps with stylized elephants on them, which are much less objectionable.

2) During a puzzle craze at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, we start collectively doing this one puzzle where you copy-sketch a bunch of disassembled squares into a grid and create a picture, and the first time we do it, it's over the course of one shift, and it's me, my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker, and my one (older) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phones.

And, I make them sign it in a blank space at the bottom, since I say that's what artists do.

And, when we go to say bye for the night, I say in (Thai) my standard good-night farewell, only I substitute out "Van Gogh" and "Picasso" for their names, respectively.

And, since in Thai you say "Nong" for someone younger than you and "Pi" for someone older than you, I joke whether I should say "Pi Picasso" or "Pi-casso" to my one (older) (Thai) coworker who's a whiz at the phones.

And, my one (older) (Thai) coworker says good night to me, and calls me "Da Vinci."

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