Saturday, August 12, 2023

Stained glass booth.

So, back in June I went to the local (Pride) streetfest with the one (gay) (Brazilian) visiting STEM student to meet up with some of his friends, and at one point I walked the little festival booth strip, and there was a (young) (biracial) (hippie) girl at a stained glass booth with some Pride stuff, some abstract stuff, some natural world-themed stuff, and several wall-hangings of cobs of corn that also kind of resembled vaginas.

"You know," I was like, "I hate to say this, but those kind of look like vaginas."

"Oh no problem," she was like. "I've been hearing that a lot today."

She then said that one woman said that she herself runs a stained glass business that specializes in vaginas, and that that stained glass image looked like a vagina, and that she "wanted her to know that."

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