Friday, March 3, 2023

A day at the (Thai) restaurant where I now work:

1) A (young 20-something) (Asian-American) customer getting take-out asks us to tear up the credit card receipt she leaves behind, since she doesn't like her "information being out there."

2) My one (chubby) (Thai) coworker and I talk about how a lot of time (Indians) don't tip much, and she tells me a story about how this one time at the (Thai) restaurant on the east coast where she used to work at, this huge table of (Indians) came in and ate a ton and the bill was over $200, but they only left a $5 tip.

"And they were messy, I need thirty minutes to clean up after," she was like.

3) The one (short) (Pentecostal) (Guatemalan) from the kitchen and I are chatting a bit, and it turns out that he's in a local soccer league and plays games every Friday night and Sunday, and his position is forward, though he didn't know the word for that in English and he had to make gestures in the air for me, drawing out a soccer field and where all of the various players make their homes.

4) Another (young) Guatemalan and I are talking about how business was on Valentine's Day, and he says it was good, but not compared to last year, the tickets for both take-out and dine-in only got up to like 150 tables, whereas last year they had gotten up to like 200.

"See," he's like, and he pulls out his smartphone and shows me a picture of an order ticket that he took the previous year, and there is a number in the very low 200s that's circled with some photo-drawing graphic, amidst all of these pink and yellow squiggles on the border from some graphic overlay application.

He also tells me that he went to the end of high school here, and he would like to practice English more.

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