Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Economic biographies (1 of 2): A sound guy, and his brother.

At the (Thai) restaurant, one of my new coworkers is this (tall) (thin) (young) (white) guy who did community college for sound and then transferred to the local university to complete his degree, but dropped out during the pandemic.

He says it's not worth the money, since a lot is gigging when you know skills, and his professors have told him that, that he has them and that it's not worth enrolling.

Overall, he says he would be happy to do something like daily sound production for newscasts at a local  TV station, but he says those jobs are all held up by old people who've been there forever and none will be freeing up anytime soon, and then he does some freelance stuff around here, but he really should move to the big city where I lived, since there's more people looking for collaborations there.

Until then, he's happy he at least got a job at a local music venue, since it's a way to know people and he gets to hear a lot of live music all week, "which is good for my mental health."

He also says his brother was like a die-hard theater person who did a theater degree even though everyone told him not to and was involved in lots of hard-core sustained community production stuff, to the point where it seemed like maybe he could find somehow that he could make it work, "like he was that guy," only he didn't, and he burned out.

And, his brother and his girlfriend went to try to live in Denver, but the apartment they thought they had got pulled out from under them, and then with rents being so high, they started blowing through their savings with no real place to live, and so they both had to come home after like a couple of months.

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