Monday, February 27, 2023

Restaurant freak-out.

The other week at the (Thai) restaurant, the lunch rush was starting and I was dashing around and putting together a Thai iced tea, when the half-and-half ran out.

And, I flung open the refrigerator door to get another carton, but none were there!

So, I started to freak out, since then there were all of these new tasks all of a sudden, to tell the owner we were out of half-and-half, to run back to the customers and to tell them we were out and so see what would be up with that order, etc. etc. etc., besides of all the lost tips from not being able to make Thai iced teas and Thai iced coffees, which sell for like $4 a pop.

But, I told my one (middle-aged) (chubby) (Thai) coworker, and she was like, "They are there," and there they were, stacked on the shelf below where I was looking way back at the very back, from the bottom of the cooler to the top, in this like wall of half-and-half containers where the tops stuck out in this repeating texture like some molded prefabricated wall, or bees peeking out in tandem from a honeycomb.

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