Monday, January 9, 2023

Holiday tidbits (2 of 4): Workout return.

I'd pretty much given up my rigorous "ten minutes a day" COVID workout over a year ago, since my lower back had gotten fucked up right before I moved and then it got more fucked up with moving and then finally my one interim bicycle that I have and that I was using to commute to the one retirement village job that I eventually quit and that I also occasionally used to get to far places not easily reachable by bus, its saddle could mess up my back again, too, for some reason, so my back was also always kind of sore or about to be sore from that.

But, my back has been feeling better since I walk to work now, so I decided to try to reintroduce the workout during the ten days off while the (Thai) restaurant was closed between Christmas and New Year's.

It's amazing how exhausted it makes you; like, the next morning, I'm just lying in bed and all my muscles are sore, especially lower body.

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