Saturday, January 28, 2023

Guatemalans (2 of 2): Ergonomic reflections.

For one thing at the (Thai) restaurant where I work now, there's a very short shelf with just two levels that sits on the tile kitchen floor in the hallway going back into the kitchen, and that's where we bus all of our dishes and glasses; with it, there's like the actual two shelves for the tubs for the dishes, and then on top of the whole unit, that's where we place the racks for the glasses.

And, I've seen one of the dish guys have to bend over and pick up the heavy dish tubs from the bottom shelf, and I worried about his back.

For another thing at the (Thai) restaurant where I work now, there's been a couple more recent hires in the kitchen, including this one (slightly older) (very very short) (clean-shaven) (Guatemalan) with a small pot belly.

And, I've seen him lean in to get the heavy dish tubs from the bottom shelf, but since he's so low to the ground, it seemed more ergonomic and so I didn't worry about his back as much.

For a second it made me think that that's like a side bonus to hiring (Guatemalans), less workplace injuries that way.

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