Sunday, January 22, 2023

Confounding factor.

The other week at the one (Thai) restaurant where I now work, one of the tablets for the many many delivery apps that we have started sending off some notification signal, and since it's one that we rarely use, I made sure to ask the one owner about it, not the husband, who wasn't around, but rather the wife with the tired face.

When I did that, she was like, "I showed you last week," and I was like, "There's so many that I forget." I also said that I hadn't seen an order on that app for at least a month before that, and although she was nice about it and said that there's a lot, she also was a little bit pushy and insistent and was like, "I want you to remember this time."

It was totally like an expectation of automatic rote memorization from an instructor figure, like my one (Thai) (newlywed) ex-coworker would do every so often, in addition to the crabby and grouchy stuff that she did on top of it.

No wonder I had a hard time picking up on that part of her personality...  What was her, and what was Thai?

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