Friday, September 9, 2022

Flashback to a travel story: Produce.

On my most recent trip to the city that I used to live in, I brought up corn and tomatoes and eggplants from the farmers market, as a gift for the family of my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair).

I also brought up like 3 different kinds of craft beer for my one (Romanian) colleague, as a thank-you for all the help he's given me recently.

So, although I had my backpack on my back, I had one canvas bag of vegetables on one side of me, and one canvas sack of beer on the other, and I felt like I was coming from the grocery store, rather than going on a train trip.

After I sat down, I showed the heirloom eggplants to my one seatmate, this (younger) (white) co-ed who had been in town to go to a college football game with some friends.

"Those are so cool," she was like, as I showed her these small round eggplants that were a bright orange with occasional dark green veins.

After I put the bags up above in the overhead rack, I started chatting with her again, and I told her that I was afraid that we'd hit a bump, and all these vegetables would start spilling out from up there and onto the floor, and no-one would know what the heck was happening.

"That is so funny," she was like.

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