Thursday, May 12, 2022

Job training interactions (1 of 2): Closed-off room.

For part of our job training, the (shorter) (middle-aged) (blonde) HR person who seemed rushed but always trying to be pleasant took us into this closed-off room with hospital beds, and over in the corner there was this mannequin sitting in a wheel chair that had this horrible wrinkled distorted face and a very poorly fitting curly gray wig on it. "You know what that reminds me of?", I was like. "Psycho." And, the other trainee had never seen the movie, but the HR person had to agree. "Where are we, the Bates Motel?", I was like. And, the HR person had been looking away awkwardly and she paused, and then she kind of still didn't quite look at me but she still nevertheless flashed this odd little half smile at me somehow from the side and was like, deadpan, "Sometimes it feels like that around here." Later, when she mentioned the importance of making sure that hazardous material was always out of the reach of residents, I took the pause and put on a voice and was like, "And make sure to keep the knife away from Mrs. Bates!". At that, she didn't react, so I stopped the running joke.

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