Friday, February 25, 2022

Healthcare classmates (6 of 6): The woman I walk with.

So, in my one healthcare class, me and another classmate have been walking back to town after class, since it's only like twenty minutes and it's good to stretch your legs and get some exercise and clear your head after class. She's (young) and (tall) and (big built) and (dark-skinned black), and she said she grew up in the area, though some of her family have moved a state over now, and she's thinking of maybe doing that, too. "Would you really want to, though?", I was like. "I would *never* live in a state with a Republican governor, you just don't know what they're going to do, look at what they did with Covid." And, she agreed. She also told me at one point that she's only been to 2 other states, the one state to the east of us, and the one state to the west of us. Also also, once I was telling her about the natural history museum that I had visited in the fall with my parents, and she said that she's always loved dinosaurs ever since she watched Jurassic Park a bunch as a kid, and then she took a note about the name of the museum, so later she could go see if they had anything up on YouTube from their prehistoric whales exhibits that I was telling her about. Overall, too, she's never worked in the field, but wouldn't mind working with the elderly, since her grandmother was so important to her, or maybe with the babies, since she likes babies. She also said her grandmother was a Jehovah's Witness and drove a schoolbus and could be very strict sometimes, but she loved her.

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