Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Healthcare classmates (4 of 6): The girl who sits next to me.

So, in my one healthcare licensing class that I'm taking, the one (chubby) (mid-20s) (blonde) girl who sits next to me was saying that she's never tried (Indian) food before, and though she goes past the restaurant all the time with her husband, they've never just gotten around to actually stopping and going inside of it. "I hear that once you start, you can't stop, it's so good," she was like. On the day, too, that everyone was talking about the law enforcement class that was meeting in the same building as us, and how it was all like thirty (white) guys and *none* of them were wearing masks, I said that masking was pretty good in town, and she said that she thought so, too, but that once you get out in the country, it's a whole different story. "Last weekend I went to my nephew's wrestling meet with my husband, and we walk in the gymnasium, and no-one has a mask on, and half of them are like senior citizens," she was like. "Like a whole bleacher of old folks, and none of them has a mask."

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