Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Healthcare classmates (3 of 4): Quiet blonde girl.

In my one healthcare class, up a few rows from me there sits this really placid, really quiet blonde girl, who pays attention all the time and who seems to be a good student, but who otherwise just sits there, with some pale-green-and-white-shady-tree camouflage coat hanging off of the back of her chair. During a break, I asked her if I could take her blood pressure, since we have to do that for 9 people in addition to the instructor as part of our assignments, with each person who has their vitals taken initialling off on it on the one worksheet that we all got. So, she was like, "Yes," and so I did it. "One-thirty over eighty eight?!", I was like, when I took it. "Yes, that's right," she was like. "I have anxiety."

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