Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Desired book coincidence.

So, last month I found out about the existence of this book from a few years ago about the lives of gay gang members, and when I went to go request that my city's public library purchase it, I found out that they had like 8 copies already on the shelves, including one at the main library that I patronize, so I put it on my to-do list to go and pick it up when I was by that library in a few days.

And, I show up on that day, and there's this blank space on the shelf right where the book was supposed to be, and I had to wonder to myself, did someone steal it because it was forbidden, or maybe destroy it because it wasn't the image that they wanted out there for gangs?

But then, the next day when I hopped onto the online library catalog to go and request that book from a branch library, I saw that the main library's copy was something like "Requested" and "In Transit."

Someone else must have found out about that book right when I did, and requested it like right then and there and then some librarian had gone and plucked it off the shelves to go to send it to them, right when I had wanted it!

Isn't that funny?

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