Thursday, August 19, 2021

Three resthome happenings:

1) The other week at the resthome, this chicken they made for dinner was absolutely amazing, like something you'd get at a restaurant; it had been marinated overnight, and it was just so moist and good, I'd have been happy if that had been served to me in a restaurant.

The one (Thai) kitchen worker said she did it with onion salt and garlic salt and red wine vinegar and olive oil, that was all.

And, there was fresh cut-up cilantro on top, too.

Just so tasty.

2) Also the other week at the resthome, I happened to bump into my one (skeptical) (Mexican) coworker in an out-of-the-way stairwell on the way to the dining room, and it turns out that she was going outside for a quick smoke.

"You smoke?", I was like.

"Yes," she was like, in her thick (Mexican) accent, "But not too often, only on days when I am stressed out."

And, she told me that she hides it from everyone and has for years, so I shouldn't tell.

3) Also also the other week at the resthome, I was chit-chatting with the one new (lawyer) resident about Jackie Mason since he was watching a documentary about a comedian and his obit had been in the paper, but when I did that, the resident just started going off about how he's a self-hating Jew and trafficks in stereotypes and is just not funny.

"So you don't like him at all?", I was like.

"Well, I like him better now," he was like.

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