Monday, August 16, 2021

A subway interaction...

...the other weekday afternoon when I hopped on the last car of the train as I dashed down the stairs just as it had pulled into the station, and so I wasn't in the conductor's car like I usually ride:

A (shorter) (younger) (scrawny) (dark black) (like younger high school) kid gets on the train near me, and he sits on the seat but seems on the edge of agitated, and he pulls out a cigarette from a plastic bag he's carrying and put on his lap and he puts it in his mouth, only he doesn't light it up, and several times he reaches into his bag and then goes up to handle his cigarette and I keep expecting he's going to have a lighter he pulled out and light it up, only he doesn't, and then he gets up and leans his back against the door going to the next car, then he walks up the aisle past me to go stand by the door, and at that point he's looking at what I have and notices that I have my pepper spray out and ready in my hand, and when he goes to stand towards the door, he keeps looking at me to see what I'm doing, and I look him in the eye, and then, at the next stop, he gets off.

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