Friday, August 20, 2021

A person in the city:

This (shorter) (older) (dark black) lady with a (Caribbean) presence and accent who's at the dialysis place a lot of times and always calls the resident who I pick up there "Mr. Beautiful," as in, "Have a good day, Mr. Beautiful!", and, I always just kind of assume she's (Haitian) or something like that, but then one day I finally ask, and she's like, "Cubana," and I was like, "Eres afro-latina?!?!?!", and she said yes, and that she's from Guantanamo, and then she's like, "Guantanamera," and she begins singing the song.

And, for the rest of the day, it's in my head and I find myself singing it, and the one (Filipino) bus driver who picks us up from dialysis hears me singing it and tells me that he loved that song when he was a kid, he listened to it all the time.

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