Monday, August 2, 2021

The Different Lives of People.

This summer at the resthome, a (tall) (young) immigrant from (Burkina Faso) started working in the kitchen.

After the 4th of July shindig where we both worked, I asked him how long ago he had immigrated, since I assumed it was recently, and then I could ask him what he thought of his first Fourth of July celebration.

But, he was like, "Three years ago."

And, he explained that before he started work at the resthome, he was working in a factory in a city to the north of us, for two-and-a-half years.

That hit me as odd - most new immigrants who work at the resthome start up with that as one of their first jobs in the country - so I asked him how he ended up working there.

And, it turns out that he knows a (Ghanaian) guy in the kitchen somehow, and he turned him on to the job.

Two-and-a-half years working in a factory, when you're in your 20s, and in a foreign country as well.

Can you imagine that?

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