Friday, August 6, 2021

A spur-of-the-moment false (Romanian) plural.

Like a month or so ago at the resthome, my one (Romanian) coworker said that the other week her daughter asked her what the plural for "lemonade" was (singular: 'limonada'), and without thinking, she was like, "Limonazi" (with a fairly common plural variant ending that triggers a d-to-z palatalization).

Except, it's actually the very regular "limonade'.

"Limonazi," my one coworker was like, "I can't believe I said that. That sounds like someone who comes from the country, 'Please, give me limonazi.'"

. . .

(I now know enough of the language where I immediately got not only how plausible, but also how ridiculous that plural formation was! Go me.)

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