Friday, April 23, 2021

Yet another subway ride in from like over a month ago:

On the subway platform in the early afternoon, there’s a (young) (black) guy smoking pot in the little booth shelter in the open air, and after I get into another one and a(n older) (black) guy in a (wheelchair) comes and joins me, a (young) (black) guy with a face tattoo comes in and sits down and lights up a cigarette, just letting the wind blow the smoke into our faces.

In the car later, a (late middle-aged) (grizzled) (black) homeless guy enters from through the door to the next car, and he has all this fresh unwiped nosebleed blood running down his face and onto his chin and neck, and he just slowly walks down the car, stopping and pausing every now and then, and not really looking at anyone or really doing anything.

Right before I get off at the station where the resthome is, a (big) (bulky) (black) guy is suddenly at the other end of the car, muttering and yelling threats, and people start slowly moving to the other end of the car towards by me, readying themselves to get off and go switch cars as soon as the train reaches the next station.

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