Monday, April 19, 2021

Cat antics.

Because my one assisted living client with disabilities and her (lesbian) sister are going to be merging households at some point, they’re beginning to merge their cats, and so her (lesbian) sister’s cat is staying in the living room at my client’s apartment, while her own cat is more restricted for the time being and is largely staying in her bedroom.

Anyhow, her sister’s cat is quite cute; a lot of times he sticks close to me and tries to attack the broom whenever I sweep, and they say that he attacks vacuums, too.

Once I came out of the restroom, too, and I felt something on my left leg, and he was standing right there really close to me, so close that I could feel his whiskers and his fur on my leg.

(I tend to wear shorts around the apartment when I work, since they keep the temperature on the hot side.)

Another time, too, I was unloading the dishwasher and turned around, and he was standing right there, and then he’d look inside ground-level cabinets whenever I opened them.

Yet another time, when the (lesbian) sister was there once I started playing with her cat using the broom, swiping it out at him so he’d bat at it, and the sister was like, “You know, this is all fun now, but wait until I'm using my ritual broom and he does that.”

(She’s neo-pagan.)

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