Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A story about a laser pointer.

The other week at my one assisted living client's with disabilities, somehow the topic of laser pointers came up, so she was like, "Oh, remind me to tell you a story about that later," and so later that same shift, I did.

And, she told me about how when she was living in this city to the northwest of the city where we now live in, she had a good view across the street, and there was this Stop sign where some really sketchy guys would come and hang out, so once she took the laser pointer and pointed it at a guy's chest, and as soon as he noticed it he dropped down to the ground, and so immediately she shut it off, and then she could hear the guys talking and being like, "Daaammnnn, that was on your chest, man, they almost got you!".

"Oh," I was like, and then I was like, "I expected you to tell me that you played with a cat that lived across the street."

"I did that, too," she was like, and she said that there was this little field where a feral cat would come sometimes, and she found out that the dot was bright enough that far away for her to be able to play with it.

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