Monday, November 16, 2020

Spanish mistake at work last month.

Last month at work at the resthome, my coworkers weren't ready to get their staff meal yet and the kitchen staff wanted to know what was up, so I called each of them in turn over the walkie-talkie to ask if they wanted the fish or the chicken, but when I finally got to my one (skeptical) (Mexican) coworker, I decided to speak in (Spanish) and was like, "[her first name], que quieres, el pescado o la polla?"

And, right then I was turning to go to the buffet that was set up for the meal delivery, and my one (Mexican) coworker from the kitchen was standing there and so was the one (Nigerian-American) kitchen manager who speaks decent (Spanish), and they were both just standing there looking at me and their eyes were both huge, and my one (Mexican) coworker from the kitchen finally spoke and was like, "No no no, [the Spanish version of my first name], no."

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