Tuesday, November 17, 2020


After that (Spanish) mistake at work, I texted and messaged people over my smartphone to let a few friends who speak (Spanish) know about it, including my one (Spanish) professor friend who I know from my university that I attended for my doctoral program, but then we got started talking about other things, like how his (pregnant) wife is.

(Good, but they're lying low because of Covid and because she's feeling beat out from late-stage pregnancy stuff.)

And, at that, I said that that meant they had less options for a gender-reveal party, but they could still do something at home, like maybe have people over for dinner and serve creadillas if it's a boy, or maybe something with eggs if it's a girl.

(I said this to bring up creadillas and poke fun at him for being Spanish.)

And, he messaged back -

Pescado o polla 

 . . .

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