Friday, October 2, 2020

High holidays at the resthome.

High holidays at the resthome this year made it feel like everything is kind of getting back to normal after the peak of the Covid crisis.

Depending on the resident I was talking to, I recycled a joke that one guy had told me a while ago, "What did the rabbi say to the pope?", the punchline being, "Good yontiff, pontiff!".

For services at Yom Kippur, it was hybrid and precleared through the one mega-important nurse who works upstairs in some office, where the services were held in the main activities hall and everyone wore masks and sat like 12 feet apart from one another, and doors were open and windows were cracked to keep airflow up.

There was spots for like 10 people and everyone else was watching remotely, but a few people dropped out from coming, so the leader of the services had to ask over Zoom if anyone wanted to come down, so they could get a minyan together and sing the Kaddish.

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