Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Bits of two dreams from the same night:

1) I'm by my one friend the (Spanish) language instructor's house, and I walk up past the Burger King to the north of her, and its front windows are open, and there's just masses of people standing shoulder-to-shoulder in there, and it all makes me cringe inside, to see such crowding.

Next, I'm in a taqueria buffet banquet hall just north of that, and I'm walking one of those bikes that you can check out in the city through there and through all its chains of rooms with off white color walls and dull blue carpeting and dull sunlight leaking in the occasional dirty windows looking out at nothing in particular, before you get to the main buffet room, which looks a lot like that too, only it's bigger and has a big metal buffet cart thing with a peaked plexiglass roof so that you can look at the food as you reach in, but you can't sneeze on it. On the way there and back, I see many people, and although many are 3-4 feet apart, I think that they're too close together, especially on my way back through the smaller rooms where the tables are all crammed in.

2) I'm at an older super market with my mother since I came along with her to pick up things before a family party, and I see handwritten signs about sales from the ceiling, including one about a cheap sale on Edy's ice cream (like $2.39 for a big tub).

Later, I see a small sales display with lemons and limes from Israel, and there's a small box opened up, and inside the cover that's leaned open it says something like -


- and I know somehow from a talk with the workers there that that's a company that the owner patronizes through family ties.

. . .

(Links to my present life include neurosis about Covid-19; a few trips like the past 3 months to go visit that one friend who does indeed have a Burger King near her apartment; the brand "Edy's" appearing twice in crosswords I've done recently; and probably memories of etrogs bouncing around in my brain from seeing them during Sukkot at one of my places of employment.)

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