Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A story of my neighbor (1 of 2): Cats.

The other week, I was sitting outside on my stoop reading, and my neighbors' one (adult) (Mexican-American) son who's a musician came outside to put some food in some dishes, and we started talking about this that and the other.

He said that he does that for some stray cats, and that the water dish on my stoop near where I'd seen a cat sit late at night recently is what my landlord does for the strays, but it's gotten weird lately because the food dish that he sets out has gotten polished off like every night and that that's never happened with the strays before, and then like a week ago he had seen a possum eating out of it.

"So now I guess I feed the possum, hey," he was like.

He then said that he believes this because he's a Catholic, that his mom and his aunt told him that when you die you get to a big river, and the only way you can get across that river is a cat or a dog who will help you to get across to the other side, but they won't help you if you're mean to animals, so that's why you should be nice to them.

He also said that our other neighbor who lives on the other side of their house found a kitten in a trash can in the back alley the other day.

"He never takes out trash that time of day, but he did, and he found it," he was like.

He said that his mom said that their aunt would take the kitten, she has five cats and loves them, but our other neighbor had already found someone to give it to.

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