Friday, September 11, 2020

3 instances of inconsiderate people...

 ...on the subway, lately, all on the same trip:

1) Two (young) (black) guys who sit in the middle of a subway car with their masks pulled down and some loud music on, one of them trying to rap very loud in a sing-song voice even though he's tone-deaf, and this goes on and on, and the other passengers just look at each other and shake their heads.

2) A (late middle-aged) (big) (beefy) (black) guy who keeps his mask on while he talks on a cell phone a couple of seats over from me, but later he gets up and looks out the door as if looking for someone, then later he goes off somewhere, then later he comes back with a(n old) (skinny) (light-skinned black) guy, and they stand near me with their masks pulled down, just talking.

2) A (very dark-skinned) (African) guy who has his mask pulled down, just talking into his cell phone endlessly, in a very very very loud voice, very emphatically, so that his voice fills the otherwise pretty much empty car.

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