Sunday, August 30, 2020

A tale of two cats:

1) I miss that cat at the resthome; it was so much fun to stop in and pet her when I had 5 minutes of downtime on a shift.

2) With my one assisted living client's with disabilities skittish cat, I have this game where when I come in I get a few cat treats to give to her, and sometimes I put them on the floor and flick them and she goes and chases them and finds them, and she really likes that.

The other week, the treat ricocheted off a wall and then bounced underneath my client's nightstand, only there was some crap around the bottom where the cat couldn't get the treat right away, and so when I left the room I saw her positioning herself around the nightstand and trying to reach in at different angles with her paw, so that she could get the treat.

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