Saturday, July 25, 2020

Coworker's grandmother's cat backstory.

My one (cool) (Ethiopian) coworker who's (Muslim) likes cats, so I made sure to show her a picture of my friend the Spanish instructor's (newish) cat, the time after I had hung out with her and met her cat for the first time.

"That is nice," she was like, as I scrolled through the couple of pictures on my smartphone, showing them to her.

She then told me about her grandmother's cat back in Addis Ababa.

The cat really loved her grandmother, and one time her grandmother was away on a trip for three days and the cat wouldn't eat at all, and it just lied in her bed a lot, since it missed her so much. Then, when her grandmother got home, the cat was by her all the time for all that day, since it had missed her so much.

"Is the cat still alive?", I was like.

"No," she was like, "It ate mouse that ate poison."

I then asked her if she had a cat, and she said no, and then I asked her if she wanted one, and she said yes, if she lived in a house, not an apartment.

We talked some more, then, and she said that a cat needs more room than an apartment, and she held to that point even when I was saying that cats live in apartments all the time, and if her apartment is enough room for her and her husband, it's enough room for a cat, since a cat is so much smaller than them.

But, she kept insisting otherwise.

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