Sunday, July 19, 2020

A dream of a friend travelling.

The other week I dreamnt -

I'm looking on Facebook, and my one library manager friend has posts up from all of these different countries that she's visiting in Europe.

For each post, there's a standard graphic with the outline of a country filled in with like this bright puce color, with the countries around it in a drab medium gray, and I don't automatically recognize the one country's outline that I'm looking at since it's way too tall and thin, but somehow I know that that outlined and brightly colored country is Germany.

I also know that she's visiting a ton of countries on a very short trip, and she's doing it since she has her cousin along with her.

. . .

(That friend of mine loves to post on Facebook wherever she is, even just around the city, and she had a trip to Europe I think like this past year...  She does that posting thing since she says she's leaving a record of daily life for her family after her when she's dead, if they ever do genealogy or research.)

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