Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Looting (9 of 10): First night flashback.

The first big night of looting and the morning after, I followed the police scanner rabidly and was texting a lot with my one art school colleague who wears women's clothes.

For example, I texted -

I can't believe these updates

- and -


- and -

Someone set the Dunkin Donuts tables on fire. [intersection removed]

- and -

It's the mention of chain stores

- and -

If this was a dystopian novel, it'd be lazy writing

- to which he was like -

Everything's mundane! Fat T**mpers want to go to Applebee's and blacks wanna burn down Dunkin Donuts

. . .  

The morning after the first big night of looting, then, I woke up to more texts, briefly checked the news, decided I couldn't handle it, and then decided to zone out for the day.

So, I texted him -

I blocked the net on my phone, put on Tusk, and will update Egyptian flashcards, with a break for coffee and shaving my balls.

- and -

I need to recenter.

He texted back -

Sickie LOL.

- and -

"Shaving my balls" Lololol

 - and -

Self-Care Saturday

 - and -

I have to be honest I am so dead inside and sick all the time and this is thrilling

. . .

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