Monday, March 16, 2020

Visit (3 of 4): Bureaucracy levity.

During my visit to my uncle's the other week, my mom and I went to go take care of getting some official government forms.

We had to go in to the nearby city, and it turned out that the office was in this big building right in the heart of downtown that's right by a famous statue, and we ended up in a 2nd floor clerk's office full of mostly (black) people.

After we got our forms straightened out, we had to go to a separate window and pay sixteen bucks and come back with a receipt, so my mom pulled out a ten and a five and a one and gave it to me and asked me to go pay the bill and then come back.

Somehow, though, when I was walking, the middle bill, the ten, brushed against my coat and fell onto the floor.

"Hey, you dropped something," a (late middle-aged) (black) guy who was going the other way said to me.

"Oh, thanks!", I was like, and I turned around to pick it up just as some (older) (black) lady started pointing to the floor and was like, "Whose money is that?"

"Looks like mine!", shouted out a (late middle-aged) (black) lady with a vivacious face who was sitting next to her, as she started laughing and mimed going to pick up the ten from the floor.

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